Nutrition Capacity Assessment

Cover image
© WFP/Diego Fernandez Gabaldon

This nutrition capacity assessment package encompasses both technical and functional capacities, enabling countries to comprehensively assess their needs for the effective scale up of nutrition actions. Developed in collaboration with the founding members of UN-Nutrition (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO), the tool consolidates the specialized expertise of these individual agencies in one resource. It also leverages the experience gained through UN-Nutrition’s facilitation services at the country level. Findings from the assessment inform a capacity development response that is tailored to the country context, and then, integrated into the national capacity development agenda for nutrition.

To date, the assessment has been undertaken in 8 countries. Have a look at the the Country examples section below to discover more.

Using the Nutrition Capacity Assessment tool

The Nutrition Capacity Assessment is used in many ways, such as:

To identify nutrition capacity constraints across sectors and stakeholder groups (including SUN networks) and opportunities for overcoming them. 

To sensitize government staff in ministries and nutrition coordination offices on how institutional capacity as well as their individual skills can be enhanced to support a cohesive, holistic approach to nutrition. 

To inform the development of a nutrition capacity development plan that is context-specific, as well as to guide workplanning of nutrition coordination mechanisms, which coordinate nutrition action at both national and subnational levels.

To shape the formulation of new national nutrition plans by addressing gaps and including capacity strengthening provisions in a dedicated section/pillar on nutrition governance. 

To support ongoing efforts to mainstream nutrition in related sectors (e.g. agriculture, education, environment, gender, health, industry, labour, sanitation, social protection, trade).

To ensure that nutrition is well-reflected in the curricula and in-service training of related sectors in addition to those efforts that specifically target nutritionists. 

To catalyse and structure behaviour change among nutrition stakeholders by underscoring the importance of multi-sectoral engagement and empowering nutrition focal points in other sectors to champion nutrition from where they stand.

To inform budgeting exercises for nutrition, including within other related sectors, so that capacity development activities are reflected in related plans. 

As background information for country missions, conducted by UN colleagues and other development partners.

Country examples

Disclaimer: Since some of the above materials were developed prior to the establishment of UN-Nutrition, they reflect previous branding. The Nutrition Capacity Assessment tool is now supported by the UN-Nutrition Secretariat and is available upon request. For further information, please contact